Draft OGM-Lionsberg MoU from April-May 2021

This MOU was drafted in April-ish 2021 by the OGM Stewards team at that time. Its contents were moved to other documents, and this document is now superseded. Pete, Jerry, Judy, 2021-05-05œ


Lionsberg and Open Global Mind (OGM) would like to enter an agreement in which Lionsberg would become a fiscal sponsor of OGM.

Lionsberg is co-creating a better world and better lives for all by elevating, equipping and empowering one another to realize our best, highest purpose.

OGM is creating infrastructure, shared knowledge, facilitation and norms to help people Navigate Towards Truth For The Good Of All. Getting there requires collective sensemaking to create shared memories, as well as understanding how to know what we know. Acting as knowledge stewards, we will encourage everyone to make better decisions. We will enable communities to be more effective. We will bridge cultural divides.

(tktk (OGM is creating infrastructure, shared knowledge, facilitation and norms) --> to help people navigate towards trust in a common truth based on common values for the good of all, for long-term broad benefit.)

(tktk Jamaica's values conversation, CICOLAB Miro OGM values)

Structure of Engagement

OGM and Lionsberg will engage in a six-month initial phase called the "Launch Sprint."

The Launch Sprint will propel OGM into a form that can receive grant funds, engage in prototyping and create engagements providing services to a variety of individuals and organizations.

The Launch Sprint fiscal sponsorship will enable better OGM governance and stewardship, which lets OGM community members be assured that the technology and value that we create together will benefit society for the long term.

Our intent is to learn together, co-creating the technological, governance, operational, culture and values protocols that will enable interoperabilty, collaboration and knowledge sharing among a growing network of organizations around the world.


In these first Sprints, our approaches will be focused and pragmatic, applying the Pareto Principle as we make choices, rather than being comprehensive.

Our work will include:

  • creating initial legal, organizational, and technology infrastructure layers;
  • identifying the top 10% or 20% of prototypes, relationships, and resources that are at hand (what's available);
  • identifying needs for the communities and clients we aim to serve, which will include determining criteria in order;
  • visualizing and mapping those resources;
  • prototyping a knowledge commons, built from existing and new sources, according to existing and new protocols;
  • listening with care, matching the most salient resources and key partners in our activities, creating useful leverage and flow in the system; and
  • framing the activities and goals for the next two to five sprints.

For example, OGM will challenge its mapping guild to map work already done by other organizations on the global grand challenges that humanity faces and needs to overcome, such as the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Other organizations have also laid out goals, milestones, points of leverage, and key problems.

OGM will map the most important of those relationships, while also making room for perspectives that reframe the issues and perhaps ignite new initiatives by other organizations, or new collaborations across organizations. In other words, our maps will not only be reporting on what is, but offering perspectives on what could be. We will help make visible not only our perspectives, but others'.

Taken together, these maps will let us and others look across the different domains of action, identify focal points, see who is doing what already and then convene working groups around them. Twelve months in, OGM will know who is part of our initial network, what resources we have at hand, and the major levers for action for our work. We will also have an approximate 10-30 year plan that gets us all to flourishing.

We will be asking organizations to back our Sprints for six months at a time so we hit these goals.

Timing and Coordination

During the first month, OGM will define communication and reporting norms to keep OGM and Lionsberg aligned.

At the Sprint's midpoint, OGM and Lionsberg will hold a Midpoint Retrospective Process to reflect on the progress and impediments faced during the sprint. We will use that retrospective to adjust our plans for the rest of the Sprint.

In the final two weeks of the engagement, OGM and Lionsberg will hold a Wrap-up Retrospective Process. We will also assess whether and how we might engage in another sprint.

The current intention of both parties is that another sprint will be chartered, to start immediately after the first sprint ends, with direction and goals to be set as part of the Retrospective Process.

OGM will help organizations link up and align on resources, insights, projects and objectives, and with others will pull together a global movement in which we move together in decentralization and coordination. By doing so, we will avoid organizations working in isolation and failing to achieve the crucial global objectives we have in common.

We may achieve that by following root-cause analysis that uncovers latent points of leverage, by telling more compelling stories, or by helping others to find nodes they need. For example, food-waste initiatives may need slack space in cold-storage facilities; so may medical initiatives.

Introducing The Five Layers

We have mapped all our activities to five layers (intended to co-evolve as a common template):

  • Infrastructure
  • Governance
  • Knowledge
  • Services
  • Contagion

The five layers serve as the structure for the rest of this document, as well as our Statement of Work (see Appendix A).

The Five Layers

Open Global Mind uses these conceptual layers to organize our activities.


Core to OGM's purpose is building a collective memory, a way of helping us know what we know and share it with others. The contents of that memory are the subject of the third layer, Knowledge; but the tools and techniques we use to manifest and curate it are Infrastructure.

To this end, legal, organizational, and technology infrastructure supports the work we do, and the services we can offer to others, as we navigate towards truth for the good of all.

Infrastructure includes processes and tools for planning, communication, coordination, outreach, and collective sensemaking.


Shifting from ownership to stewardship has effects across our activities, from governance of collective information, to discernment of social and legal protocols, management of funds (e.g., revenues, taxes), and equitable distribution of value based on properly aligned incentives.

OGM will experiment with methods and tools for managing itself; collective decision-making; evolving wisdom; connecting with other organizations; choosing OGM Fellows and rewarding them; consulting engagements and sharing their results; and evaluating our progress.


OGM's goal is to help build a collective "mind" for the planet, so that we might make better decisions together, and each find our way to the best, highest use of our life energy. This "mind" should preserve individual perspectives and integrate a variety of sensemaking tools.

We will integrate many bodies of knowledge already held by individuals and organizations as our "sourdough starter" -- an anchor and stimulant for ongoing curation efforts. One relatively mature body of individual work we will incorporate is Jerry's Brain, which has 23 years of carefully curated information and sensemaking. We are excited to connect this body of knowledge to others, bootstrapping this global mind.

Knowledge encompasses ideas, facts, processes, and context, and includes the creators, curators and disseminators of knowledge.

Following the DIKW hierarchy, this layer culminates in collective wisdom, the ability to see from the highest perspective what we ought to do together to act rightly based on what we know. In other words, the Open Global Mind should not only know what is (the DIK part), but go beyond to discern together what we ought to do (the W part).


Services are OGM's way of making its knowledge, infrastructure, norms and practices useful in the world.

Through service offerings, OGM will empower organizations to shift to collective sensemaking while nourishing the Commons. OGM will facilitate the sharing of learnings, intellectual property, and best practices among the sovereign entities.

Some services generate income for OGM; others nourish the Commons.


OGM's innovations and knowledge assets will propagate by our modeling and sharing collective intelligence, and inviting others to participate. How we participate is as important as what we create: norms and process matter.

The familiar media -- speeches, videos, wikis, etc. -- will be a contagion vector, as will new media, such as memes, games, augmented reality, blockchain experiments, and machine intelligence-based creative forms.

Our partners will also propagate OGMness, as it makes sense to them.

OGM's Services layer will aid in contagion, as practices and assets get integrated into clients' ways of working.

New participants and partners who engage in OGM will improve our collective intelligence in both content and processes. We will achieve this intentionally through a conscious process of Triple-Loop Learning, as well as frequent checkpoints to assess our progress.

Appendix A: Statement of Work

This Appendix contains a plan of action for the next six months with reasonable milestones and accomplishments that will demonstrate the feasibility of a longer-range OGM program. It also provides an opportunity to identify areas that need further attention.

The details, by layer, follow.

There is also a timeline view of our Sprint and what may follow.


  • Prototype and demonstrate initial versions of OGM platform and protocols.

    • Wiki for knowledge sharing, documenting and reporting
    • Directories and profiles
    • Navigating Jerry's Brain in new media
  • Develop technical and communications expertise in outreach to other organizations

    • What OGM has to offer
    • How OGM members should approach others
  • Establish needed business infrastructure

    • Identify and establish needed systems and processes
    • Connect to back-end business services for limited bookkeeping and value tracking.
    • Open a bank account in OGM's name (unless we use Lionsberg's for now)
  • Set up grant funding process, using Lionsberg 501(c)3

    • Apply for grants, create matching challenges
    • Set up Fellowships
      • Define Fellowship categories & structure
      • Selection and awarding criteria
      • Equitable distribution of available funds
  • Set up simplest infrastructure for commercial ventures (eg, consulting, speaking)

  • Lionsberg will provide $15K in matching funds for OGM. OGM will reach out to potential funders and raise the seed funds to match.

  • Sustainability: making concrete progress against our milestones and soliciting additional funders in the second half of the Sprint will enable OGM to pave a runway that continues from Sprint to Sprint.

  • Create plan for second OGM Sprint.

    • Experiment with evaluating our progress


  • How OGM works (internal governance)

    • Define OGM structure and naming
    • Determine what roles OGM needs to fill in this Sprint, and who will fill them
    • Stewardship Council? Composition, responsibilities and protocols
    • Define how independent sub-projects relate to one another within the community
    • Create process for supporting OGM members' own projects
    • Identify critical business structures and operations
    • Definition of done: Create a rubric for how we run experiments, and how we evaluate the results
    • Explore methods and tools for managing OGM activities
  • Governance of OGM's emerging Commons

    • Experiment with defining our membrane (what protections we need around "open")
    • Experiment with collective decision-making, using at least three processes, and create a report comparing them
  • Governance dimensions

    • Experiment with connecting with other organizations
    • Experiment with choosing OGM Fellows and rewarding them
    • Experiment with consulting engagements and sharing their results


  • Mining, mapping, organization of knowledge
    • Evolving governance protocols
    • In the public view
    • Using OGM's infrastructure
    • Exploring interconnected maps (eg, Brain + Kumu, etc.)
  • Understanding kinds of knowledge
    • Somatic, scientific, folk wisdom
    • Social norms and processes
    • Anti-knowledge, misinformation
    • Applying the DIKW hierarchy


  • Identify categories of clients and how we connect to and serve them (both for- and non-profit)
  • Define the nature of consulting services that OGM members can provide
  • Establish simple speaker's bureau featuring OGM members
    • Recruit speakers, set up their pages
    • Explore equitable fee sharing arrangements
  • Identify worthy projects ("OGMy" organizations)
    • Evolve a listening function to determine what they need
    • Define what we can offer them in terms of resources and relationships


  • Define an onboarding process for OGM newbies that helps them find the best, highest use of their energies
  • Reach out to six "neighboring" organizations
    • Develop selection criteria
    • Evolve an outreach protocol for OGM
    • Define what OGM offers
    • Evolve how we integrate wisdom/code/data from the other organizations
  • Give six public speeches about OGM and its work
  • Publish and publicize OGM-guided open knowledge
  • Run public experiments
    • Bridge to two other open data sources, document and publicize the results
    • Host two contests to explore new CX and UI use cases
    • Host two debates using visualization tools
    • Visibly model norms and behaviors