Welcome to Open Global Mind.

This is our wiki. It is a Massive Wiki.

Please visit our homepage website: Open Global Mind.

Along with this wiki, we have several other communication channels:

To edit this wiki, clone or fork the OGM Wiki repo, and push or make a pull request back.

Ask Pete for help when you need it.

Helpful Pages and Sections

  • Meeting Index - a dynamically updated index of meeting notes
  • Brain - collected knowledge and wisdom
  • Blogs - pages by a particular person
  • Meetings - meeting notes for general OGM meetings
  • OGM Culture - how we OGM together
  • OGM Stewardship - governance of OGM
  • OMG Structure - the structure of OGMing together
  • Organizations - other organizations of interest
  • People - some of the people in OGM
  • Templates - pages or pieces of pages that help create particular kinds of pages

There is also a Sandbox page if you want to try editing.

OGM Wiki Conventions

When creating a page, please put it into an appropriate top-level or sub-level directory. If it's not obvious where to put a new page, or if you're using software that will automatically create pages, please point it into the _new-pages top-level directory.

When embedding images or adding other non-Markdown files, consider putting them in the _attachments top-level directory.

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