Meeting Index

About This Page

This page is used to automatically show indexes of all the Meeting pages in the wiki.

To make it work, it uses the YAML Front Matter in the wiki pages, and a plugin for Obsidian called "Dataview". Only the notes with category set to "Meeting" will show up here.

In Obsidian, view this page in Preview mode to see the dashboard. If you are not seeing the dashboard in preview mode, please install the community plugin called "Dataview", enable the plugin, and re-open the vault.

If you see text like dataview table etc., your Massive Wiki viewer does not yet support the Dataview plugin.

Meetings by Date (newest first)

table as "Date",
rows.meeting-series as "Meeting Series", as "Meeting Notes",
rows.recording-video as "Video Link",
rows.file.size as "File Size"
where category = "Meeting"
sort date desc
group by file.path

Meetings by Series (alpha) then Date (newest first)

rows.meeting-series as "Meeting Series", as "Date", as "Meeting Notes",
rows.recording-video as "Video Link",
rows.file.size as "File Size"
where category = "Meeting"
sort meeting-series asc, date desc
group by file.path

Pages that link to this page