Ideas to Consider for QFB Vision and Intent Process

Read each numbered item as starting with "The QFB Project should...", and then consider if your opinion is strongly agree, agree, no opinion, disagree, strongly disagree. (See Likert scale - Wikipedia.)

To make it easy to remember your answers (especially for strongly agree items), consider printing this page and annotating with a pen, or copy and paste this page into a document you can mark up.

How would we incorporate your "strongly agree" items into QFB Vision and Intent?

Should any of your "strongly disagree" items be referenced in QFB Vision and Intent as things to avoid or to push against in the world?

Consider bringing your reactions and any other ideas that come to mind, to the Vision and Intent meeting. Thank you!

Good Ideas?

  1. Act as a platform for sharing best practices, knowledge, and solutions among different stakeholders.
  2. Advocate for equitable access to healthy and locally produced food for all individuals.
  3. Advocate for policies that support local and sustainable food production.
  4. Advocate for policy changes that promote sustainable food systems and bioregional planning.
  5. Champion the integration of traditional and indigenous knowledge in modern food practices.
  6. Collaborate with a diverse range of stakeholders to create inclusive, adaptable, and responsive solutions.
  7. Collaborate with chefs, restaurants, and cafes to offer seasonal and bioregional menus, promoting and supporting local food systems.
  8. Collaborate with local farmers and producers to promote bioregional education and awareness.
  9. Create a recognition and certification system for businesses and organizations that promote environmentally-friendly and bioregionally-conscious food sourcing and practices.
  10. Create opportunities for community-based research to improve our understanding of local ecosystems.
  11. Create social media campaigns to raise awareness and inspire action.
  12. Develop a network of volunteers who can provide guidance and support to local communities on transitioning to sustainable food systems.
  13. Develop an online platform for sharing information and resources about bioregions, food systems, and related topics.
  14. Develop partnerships with schools and other institutions to incorporate sustainable food systems education into their curricula.
  15. Develop programs that equip farmers with skills and knowledge to adopt bioregion-friendly practices.
  16. Educate the public on the benefits of bioregional food systems for the environment and human health.
  17. Encourage local food production and consumption to reduce ecological footprint.
  18. Encourage regenerative agriculture techniques that restore soil health and biodiversity.
  19. Encourage urban farming initiatives and community gardens to connect city residents with local food production and bioregional concepts.
  20. Engage with youth and educational institutions to develop future environmentally and bioregionally aware leaders.
  21. Establish a grant program to fund local initiatives that support sustainable food practices within bioregions.
  22. Facilitate the development of bioregional food hubs that aggregate, process, and distribute locally-produced food.
  23. Facilitate the development of circular and low-waste food systems.
  24. Foster a culture of conscious consumerism, encouraging individuals to consider the socio-environmental impacts of their food choices.
  25. Foster collaboration between farmers, consumers, and businesses for a healthy bioregion.
  26. Foster community engagement and participation in local food initiatives.
  27. Increase awareness of the environmental impact of food production and consumption.
  28. Organize annual conferences or summits where experts, practitioners, and community members can exchange ideas and best practices on bioregions and sustainable food systems.
  29. Organize educational workshops and seminars on bioregions and sustainable food practices.
  30. Organize local events like farmers markets, food tastings, and farm tours to showcase the importance of local, sustainable food systems.
  31. Promote fair working conditions and prices for local food producers.
  32. Promote sustainable agriculture practices that respect bioregional limitations.
  33. Publish a NeoBook and produce informative articles, videos, and podcasts about the importance of bioregions and sustainable food systems.
  34. Strengthen the viability of small-scale and family-owned farming ventures.
  35. Support diverse and resilient local food systems for long-term sustainability.

Bad Ideas?

  1. Contribute to the spread of misinformation about sustainable food practices, both intentional and unintentional.
  2. Develop programs that benefit a select few stakeholders, without considering the impact on the broader community.
  3. Dismiss the importance of mental well-being and job satisfaction of local food producers.
  4. Disregard knowledge and input from indigenous or traditional farming communities.
  5. Disregard socio-economic factors when persuading people to only consume local products.
  6. Emphasize competition between food producers and businesses.
  7. Encourage consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) without adequate research and risk assessment.
  8. Encourage the consumption of homogenous and processed foods.
  9. Encourage the proliferation of genetically modified crops without regard for long-term consequences.
  10. Engage in greenwashing by promoting superficial changes that don't have a substantial impact on the overall food system.
  11. Fail to engage with local communities, undermining the importance of their involvement in food-related decisions.
  12. Favor convenience and affordability over environmental and social justice concerns in the food system.
  13. Focus exclusively on increasing the yield of food crops without considering the natural resources required.
  14. Focus exclusively on individual consumer choices without addressing systemic issues and policy changes.
  15. Focus on a single aspect of sustainability, without considering the interconnectedness of environmental, social, and economic factors.
  16. Focus primarily on generating profits from endorsing unsustainable farming methods.
  17. Ignore environmental degradation and devaluation of natural resources brought on by current food systems.
  18. Ignore the need for collaboration and engagement with various stakeholders: farmers, educators, consumers, and policymakers.
  19. Limit the organization's efforts to a specific geographic area without considering ecological boundaries.
  20. Lobby for policies that weaken food safety and environmental regulations.
  21. Overemphasize the negative consequences of current food systems without providing practical solutions or alternatives.
  22. Overlook the unique needs and challenges faced by different communities and bioregions in the pursuit of a one-size-fits-all approach.
  23. Prioritize profit over sustainability and community well-being in the organization's decision-making.
  24. Prioritize the economic growth of the organization over environmental concerns.
  25. Promote unsustainable farming practices that prioritize short-term profits.
  26. Promoting monoculture or industrial agriculture practices as solutions.
  27. Reinforce dependency on monocultural farming, industrial agriculture, and long-distance import/export practices.
  28. Rely solely on social media to engage and educate the public, instead of utilizing other community-based methods and tools.
  29. Rigidly adhere to existing frameworks, without adapting to new information and innovative ideas in the field of bioregions and sustainable food systems.
  30. Solely rely on top-down approaches that fail to empower local stakeholders or leverage local knowledge.
  31. Support environmentally harmful and exploitative corporate food practices.
  32. Support the consolidation of farmlands by large-scale agribusiness firms.
  33. Underestimate the importance of dialogues and engagement with communities that have different viewpoints on sustainable food practices.
  34. Use confrontational or aggressive tactics in communication, which may alienate potential supporters.

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