OGM Infrastructure (Evolving)

Expressed in the context of The Five Layers.


  • Prototype and demonstrate initial versions of OGM platform and protocols.

    • Wiki for knowledge sharing, documenting and reporting
    • Directories and profiles
    • Navigating Jerry's Brain in new media
  • Develop technical and communications expertise in outreach to other organizations

    • What OGM has to offer
    • How OGM members should approach others
  • Establish needed business infrastructure

    • Identify and establish needed systems and processes
    • Connect to back-end business services for limited bookkeeping and value tracking.
    • Open a bank account in OGM's name (unless we use Lionsberg's for now)
  • Set up grant funding process, using Lionsberg 501(c)3

    • Apply for grants, create matching challenges
    • Set up Fellowships
      • Define Fellowship categories & structure
      • Selection and awarding criteria
      • Equitable distribution of available funds
  • Set up simplest infrastructure for commercial ventures (eg, consulting, speaking)

  • Lionsberg will provide $15K in matching funds for OGM. OGM will reach out to potential funders and raise the seed funds to match.

  • Sustainability: making concrete progress against our milestones and soliciting additional funders in the second half of the Sprint will enable OGM to pave a runway that continues from Sprint to Sprint.

  • Create plan for second OGM Sprint.

    • Experiment with evaluating our progress


  • How OGM works (internal governance)

    • Define OGM structure and naming
    • Determine what roles OGM needs to fill in this Sprint, and who will fill them
    • Stewardship Council? Composition, responsibilities and protocols
    • Define how independent sub-projects relate to one another within the community
    • Create process for supporting OGM members' own projects
    • Identify critical business structures and operations
    • Definition of done: Create a rubric for how we run experiments, and how we evaluate the results
    • Explore methods and tools for managing OGM activities
  • Governance of OGM's emerging Commons

    • Experiment with defining our membrane (what protections we need around "open")
    • Experiment with collective decision-making, using at least three processes, and create a report comparing them
  • Governance dimensions

    • Experiment with connecting with other organizations
    • Experiment with choosing OGM Fellows and rewarding them
    • Experiment with consulting engagements and sharing their results


  • Mining, mapping, organization of knowledge
    • Evolving governance protocols
    • In the public view
    • Using OGM's infrastructure
    • Exploring interconnected maps (eg, Brain + Kumu, etc.)
  • Understanding kinds of knowledge
    • Somatic, scientific, folk wisdom
    • Social norms and processes
    • Anti-knowledge, misinformation
    • Applying the DIKW hierarchy


  • Identify categories of clients and how we connect to and serve them (both for- and non-profit)
  • Define the nature of consulting services that OGM members can provide
  • Establish simple speaker's bureau featuring OGM members
    • Recruit speakers, set up their pages
    • Explore equitable fee sharing arrangements
  • Identify worthy projects ("OGMy" organizations)
    • Evolve a listening function to determine what they need
    • Define what we can offer them in terms of resources and relationships


  • Define an onboarding process for OGM newbies that helps them find the best, highest use of their energies
  • Reach out to six "neighboring" organizations
    • Develop selection criteria
    • Evolve an outreach protocol for OGM
    • Define what OGM offers
    • Evolve how we integrate wisdom/code/data from the other organizations
  • Give six public speeches about OGM and its work
  • Publish and publicize OGM-guided open knowledge
  • Run public experiments
    • Bridge to two other open data sources, document and publicize the results
    • Host two contests to explore new CX and UI use cases
    • Host two debates using visualization tools
    • Visibly model norms and behaviors