Lionsberg + OGM, 2021-05-20


checkins happened :-)

Status Checks

OGM Bootstrap MOU

  • GC agreement is a little unfinished, is that okay?
    • demonstrating good practice: get things live and iterate
  • Bill to send a digital signature doc to Jerry
  • Jerry to manage getting finalized MOU into OGM Wiki or other best place

Generative Commons State of Play, 2021-05-21

  • upcoming Zoom call at 2021-05-26, 7am PDT
  • started in discussion between the OGM stewardship group and Lionsberg, and encapsulates and advances several long-standing desires from all participants
  • community is just starting up, and is currently in convening mode
  • actively seeking more participants, ideas, experiences, knowledge, opinions, and passion
  • envisions one encompassing "The" Generative Commons (if it's not all-one, then it's not the commons)
  • builds on the good work of Creative Commons, but wants to encompass more forms of authorship (so, in enclosure terminology, not just copyright, but also patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and more)
  • proactively stewarded for the good of all, with passive and active responsibilities and protections

see these pages for more:


  • Notion and Massive
    • continuum of power and specialization vs. interoperability
  • tokens or mutual credit currency
  • study current legal system, figure out how to replicate as best as possible, continue to transform

Sovereign Checkins (roughly around 01:00)

  • Massive
  • Collective Next
  • Trove


  • identity, schedules, channels, rhythms
  • communication rhythms
  • privacy vs. transparency (~01:09)


  • step out to the next stepping stone, with faith that it will appear by the time your foot lands
  • how do brands become barriers?
    • territories, guilds
  • we live in an upside-down world (01:14)

Zoom chat

times PDT

09:34:37 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : hackmd for the meeting right now:
09:36:49 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : thank you, Pete
09:38:32 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : Tk ethos :)
09:38:34 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : What does tk actually stand for?
09:39:07 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone :
09:39:39 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : a valuable characteristic is that it's a unique string that's easy to search for
09:41:32 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : the programming tribes have similar but different:
- [Fixme Comment](
- [PEP 350 \-\- Codetags]( (
09:44:55 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Is this group for now “invite only” or public?
09:45:20 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : GC?
09:45:46 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : We just set a time like a few hours ago....
09:46:17 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : sorry! forgot to turn on the recording
09:46:21 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : And I think the question of privacy is a precursor to making an event in Trove
09:46:31 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : yeah :)
09:48:31 From Matt Saiia (he/him) to Everyone : can i get a link to trove
09:48:53 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Yes!
09:48:56 From Vincent Arena to Everyone :
09:49:02 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Link to the site^
09:49:18 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : And Matt you can invite yourself to the OGM group here:
09:49:20 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : Matt, go here to create your account:
09:49:29 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Thanks Jerry :)
09:49:31 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : :)
09:51:13 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : Joe is holtzerman on Mattermost?
09:51:21 From charles blass to Everyone : Correct
09:51:22 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : yes
09:51:29 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : tx. sure wish his name were his name :)
09:51:43 From charles blass to Everyone : I never heard the origin story
09:51:53 From charles blass to Everyone : that's his user elsewhere too
09:52:27 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : if/when there's more onboarding process/concierges to CSC mattermost, we'll recommend that people add their full name to their profile
09:53:22 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Can I stack briefly about the openness/invitation/privacy of the generative commons emergent group? Could be later but after we finish the MOU
09:53:55 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : i think it's good idea
09:54:13 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : here are the docs Pete created:  and
09:57:00 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : Matt, there’s Google’s Data Liberation Front:
10:13:09 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : seed, feed, weed-ish
10:14:08 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : how do brands become barriers?
10:15:21 From charles blass to Everyone : Guilt structure :-p
10:15:32 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : very catholic/jewish :)
10:15:53 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Do guilds have brands? 🤨
10:16:02 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : coats of arms :)
10:16:11 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : seals
10:16:14 From charles blass to Everyone : @vincent - a clue contained in the design systems approach ->  brand systems?
10:18:27 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : And the tool should be flexible to model and approximate the ideal social engineering which is decided by people (IMO)
10:18:32 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Tools*
10:18:50 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : So if we don’t decide that’s making a decision
10:19:06 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : And then the tools will not know what to do.... or be defaulted.
10:20:17 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : @pete yes^ what is the policy because if we don’t decide the decision will be made by some default :)
10:20:32 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : love “I come from OGM”
10:23:46 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Jordan I am curious to hear your thoughts as the initial catalyst of the document...
10:25:22 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : btw, another fine-grained question is that OGM WIki currently has a CC-BY-SA license statement at the bottom of each public web page, because it's a decent default, and we haven't discussed if it should something else, like CC-BY, and so, the GC documents are currently published under CC-BY-SA.  Is that the right license?
10:28:57 From charles blass to Everyone : +111 'design for trust, and from trust' - matt
10:30:18 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : thought we’d done CC-BY only, no?
10:31:10 From charles blass to Everyone : @pete pls remind what's the basic choice with the GCA license?
10:31:19 From charles blass to Everyone : attribution, or?
10:33:31 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : @jerry, we have CC-BY for OGM mainsite; OGM wiki is still CC-BY-SA, due to none of us having talked about it yet
10:33:35 From charles blass to Everyone : jerry - 'in nurturing and stewarding the commons, there's always power and politics involved'
10:33:41 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : @charles, does that answer your q?
10:33:59 From charles blass to Everyone : spell out pls?
10:34:11 From charles blass to Everyone : srry, don't recall exactly what those are
10:34:26 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : ah, BY = attribution, SA = sharealike
10:34:32 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : Hacking for the Commons (2020)   Philippe Borrel
10:34:38 From charles blass to Everyone : thx
10:34:43 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : viewable for $7 on Vimeo
10:35:05 From Lauren Nignon to Everyone : Philippe! He is in Paris with me!
10:35:15 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Rule 1 of generative commons) No one owns the generative commons
10:35:39 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : schweet!
10:35:53 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : there is no generative commons?
10:36:43 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : also, ND = no derivatives

here are the summarized options:
10:36:53 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : and NC = non-commercial
10:37:46 From charles blass to Everyone : I remembered :-)
10:39:01 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Feels like the dinner party ethic is governing us at the moment....if you invite someone can they bring a plus 1? An example: I’d like to invite someone not in this call to the call on Wednesday. Is that cool and up to my discernment?
10:39:12 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : that sounds great to me
10:39:44 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : the commons doesn't really need to be owned by itself; "ownership" comes from enclosure culture.  (but maybe when we're talking to enclosure people, we will need to tell them the commons owns itself, or some other mind hack)
10:40:52 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : has anyone else done it better? how to do international governance?
10:41:20 From Matt Saiia (he/him) to Everyone : brb
10:41:51 From Judith Benham to Everyone : +Pete
10:42:34 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : stewardship vs ownership?
10:42:42 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : is my fav contrast
10:45:37 From charles blass to Everyone : commons owning itself:  reminds me of the tree, and the river, which have been set up it own themselves into eternity
10:46:13 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : hacking corporate personhood to give rights to Nature
10:46:47 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : "Humans Need to Create Interspecies Money to Save the Planet | WIRED"
10:46:58 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : (sorry, wrong link)
10:47:10 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : "Humans Need to Create Interspecies Money to Save the Planet | WIRED"

(fixed link)
10:50:06 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : it all started 3.3 million years ago, when hominids starting making tools:
10:51:08 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : damn those hominids!
10:51:08 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Just made a link for the event... for now it’s public so y’all can see it without logging in, but this could be changed if necessary
10:51:22 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : thank you!
10:51:23 From Vincent Arena to Everyone :
10:51:32 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : tx Vincent!
10:52:01 From charles blass to Everyone : ThankYou Vincent
10:52:23 From charles blass to Everyone : matt:  gca owned by gaia
10:52:38 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : “Powered by Gaia” everywhere :)
10:52:45 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Oooo I like that
10:52:50 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : or “Gaia Inside” ;P
10:54:37 From charles blass to Everyone : GaiaOS
10:54:46 From Pete Kaminski to Everyone : or "Gaia Around Us" ;P
10:55:49 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Gotta run y’all. This has been great :)
10:55:57 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : tx Vincent!
10:56:33 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Can someone save the chat plz? On mobile :)
10:56:38 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : yes
10:56:44 From Vincent Arena to Everyone : Awesome. Talk soon
10:56:59 From Jerry Michalski to Everyone : I’ll post it to Stewards. or elsewhere
10:57:15 From charles blass to Everyone : Commoning Sovereign
10:57:26 From charles blass to Everyone : CommonSovereign