Jerry, Judy, Pete, 2021-04-10

Two Levels

  • immediate communication
  • future structure, how we operate

We Are Here

  • uncertainty?
  • more formality, more money flowing?
  • existential problem / project management reality

Vision Items

  • enablement > entities

Communication Process

  • who is communicating
  • who is listening
  • what media are we using

The Three OGMs

  • a community of attraction, a nexus of energy and love, a way of being, a verb
  • a vision for 2025
  • an entity focused on operationalizing the Lionsberg fractal model

Planning Horizons

  • now (+/- two weeks)
  • six months
  • eighteen months
  • five years

Action Teams / Group-forming / Coherence / Productivity

  • coherence
  • coordinated action
  • productive action
  • forming – storming – norming – performing

Examples of Group Coherence

  • Stewardship Team
    • Sub-team: Judy, Jerry, Pete
  • Flotilla Tools for Connectors
  • Massive Wiki
  • Forum Facilitation Team
  • Free Jerry's Brain
    • Memebrane
  • 2020 Workshop
    • Group 1
  • Emergent Event Sensemaking
  • analyzing / harvesting call videos

Cone of Possibilities

Cone of Possibilities

Massive Massive

  • why just "Massive Wiki"?
  • "Massive Mind"?
  • "Massive Massive"?


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