see also Vaults vs. Repos
"vault" is the Obsidian name of folder containing all the files.
"repo" (repository) is the Git name of a folder containing all the files.
Chris Aldrich maybe uses sub-vaults?
Let's use the example of the "Vaults vs. Repos" section above. This is a "nugget". Note that it is currently on a "page". :-)
Jerry would copy the Vaults vs Repos subsection of this doc, paste the title in as a new thought, then the two explanations as sub-thoughts. See
Pete would save this page from HackMD straight into the Meetings folder on OGM Wiki.
If there were interesting sections, they could be made into separate pages, linked to the meeting page.
See Jerry Michalski and Peter Kaminski, 2022-08-10
There are different times and ways to make them into separate pages:
didn't cover this one :-)