Food Insecurity and Regenerative Ag, 2021-04-02

First Meeting, 2021-04-02

10:00am PDT / 1:00pm EDT, Jerry will set up zoom


  • what is the scope of this quest?
    • food security
    • regenerative agriculture
    • climate change and mitigation
      • albedo management
  • Klaus Mager as OGM "client"
  • map Klaus's concerns and ideas
    • innovation in local areas
  • options
    • change six multinational corps controlling 80% of food markets
      • won't happen
    • localized food systems
      • empower small operators to scale

Action Items

  • Jerry to convene session to map Klaus's brain
  • Jerry to post recording of this meeting
  • Pete to post notes to wiki and link in channel
  • Pete to add this proto-Guild to Stewards dashboard
  • Pete to report out on 4/15 Thursday OGM
  • Klaus to connect us to David Witzel and Tom Rehm
  • Klaus to check out (via Marc)
  • Jerry to reach out to Mappers Guild/channel to invite them to map Klaus's brain
    • does this data go into Flotilla directories later?
    • map initiatives


  • framing it in the way we've been framing it may tend to siloization
  • growth as a goal
  • capital as a framework
  • competition, and winners vs. losers
  • game plans for ag, etc.
  • entrapment / impotence of NGOs
    • compromising values
    • NGOs are businesses
      • business models based on fear
      • clients are capitalist businesses
  • money needs to be involved to fix things
  • markets
    • too conservative for the amount of organization we need to muster (needs to be Marshall Plan level)
    • "innovation" is sort of stuck in market ideology

Various Efforts

  • Business Climate Leaders
  • Citizen Climate Lobby
  • Sierra Club
  • Sunrise Movement
  • Gaia Fest
  • carbon sequestration
  • ecosystem services
    • soil
  • "innovations broker" (matchmaker between supply and demand)
  • energy systems
    • only helps so much; degradation of ecosystem is the keystone
  • regenerative
  • food sovereignty on a local basis

OGM working with "Clients"

  • in service of clients' interests
  • without implication of money at this time

Zoom chat

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