Nuggets Are Really Powerful

Back to Nuggets, which are really powerful:

  • Nuggets live in the open. They are open content.
  • These Nuggets live on Github (for now), which gives us several capabilities:
    • Every change is tracked and available through Github's version-control features.
    • We can improve each Nugget over time, as a social document, via Github's Fork and Pull method.
  • Because they are hypertexts, Nuggets can be woven into their context with links and more.
  • Those links can include:
    • Metadata!
    • Broader context
      • Further reading
      • Relevant Thoughts in Jerry's Brain
    • Parallel versions of the same Nugget
      • in different languages
      • in different levels of difficulty
      • with more (or less) explanation or examples
      • in different modes or media
        • as a slide in a presentation
        • as a segment of video
        • as a graphic novel or animation
      • published in mainstream media
      • mentions in other media
      • in other NeoBooks
    • Conversations
      • In-place chat or comments
      • Communities and conversations you can join now
    • Get more involved
      • Improve this Nugget: offer edits
      • Use this Nugget in your own NeoBook
      • Fork this Nugget and make it your own
      • Source data, with analytic tools
      • Resources to take action
    • Software that instantiates what the Nuggets say
      • (compare to how GPTs might do this; add page about GPTs; Emily Bender tweet)
    • Chatbots that let you talk to this and other Nuggets
    • Prompts for GPT
  • As social documents, nuggets contribute to Collective Intelligence.
  • Nuggets are composable They are reusable in other narratives or NeoBooks.
  • A wish: A memorable trope (like Cut, Copy Paste, Undo) that helps us orient ourselves to all these possibilities.

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