Ida and Jerry Explore Unlocking Human Potential

Ida Josefiina is the founder of Sane. I'm the founder of Open Global Mind and curator of the world's largest public, hand-made mind map:

We recently met over Zoom to talk about how Generative AI and collective sensemaking tools, used well together, could really level up humanity's game. In the process, we wandered through:

  • creativity over productivity,
  • Techno-Optimism vs Cosmic Positivism,
  • individuals vs the collective,
  • meditation as technology,
  • how to help ideas do their work in the world, and more.

Here's our conversation on YouTube:

You can also listen to it as this episode of Ida's podcast, goo & prickle. And here's the call, as curated in Jerry's Brain.

#cosmicpositivism, #humanpotential, #GenAI, #toolsforthinking, #collectiveintelligence

This article is cross-posted on Substack here, Medium here and LinkedIn here. It's also here in my Brain.

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