On Cross-Posting

You have valuable ideas. Where to post them? In what medium? Text, videos, animations, tweets?

Some years back, in the Internet's salad days, the answers were more straightforward. Start a blog on Blogger or Movable Type, for example, or try LiveJournal or MySpace. Today, there's a mad variety of places to post, making it hard to choose from among them.

Why choose just one?

It's more complicated to maintain, but putting the same post in several places gets you the benefit of each platforms' special powers. If you like to be orderly about such things, the question arises: which of these copies do you think of as the "original," or the hub of the other copies?

The brilliant participants in IndieWeb have thought about this, detailing various techniques, including:

  • POSE (2007 Publish Once, Syndicate Everywhere)
  • PESOS (Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate (to your) Own Site)
  • POSSE (Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere)
  • PESETAS (Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate Everything To A Silo)

I think I'm a POSSE guy.

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