Discussion / Notes to Ourselves

Important Stuff

  • who we are
  • what we do
  • key phrase: "seeing one another"
  • and also: "hearing one another"
  • feeling, too?


  • initial alpha/beta clients? do we need, who are they? some of Lionsberg peer cohort?
    • deliverable: create a process for understanding who our clients are, and how to identify new streams of clients. develop a system that serves more than one particular category.
    • individuals and collectives who want to "OGM" and have a structure like The Five Layers
    • Lionsberg peer cohort
    • existing OGM sister orgs (CICOLAB, )

Identify and understand tiers of clients.

  • Identify tiers of client (80/20 rule + value)
    • Highly aligned organizations
    • Very diverse organizations whose goals we want to serve
    • Last: skeptics

Define and prototype formal bridges between organizations. (see Sensorica, ask Charles)


  • nuturing the commons, rather than sequestering the commons

    • "helping pioneer and nurture models where people can make a living while feeding the Commons as opposed to people and organizations sequestering the Commons in order to make a living."
  • "[1:07:20] Jerry: uh, also, there's a general principle I love, which is nothing about us without us. And, uh, subsidiarity is a really good principle here for us to work around and giving sort of power authority agency to the people closest to a problem and to people who are not usually invited to the table. And I think that sort of approaching the infrastructure, the tools, the norms and all that with those principles in mind, uh, we will be really useful because, uh, people near problems will figure out their resolutions and implement them and keep them going forever. And anybody who shows up and says, Hey, just do this and it's all going to be fixed is kind of mostly fail. I I've seen I've seldom seen the top down approach work and Jordan at the start of your description. It was like We need bottom up innovation in this way. And I think the bottom up is all about local adaptation of good ideas, and nobody knows what the good ideas are. Nobody has access to them working parts of how to implement the good ideas or expertise to help them implement the good ideas. And therefore we hear all these little one and off stories of success, and we don't hear often of broad sweeps of successful change at this at this sort of local fractal scale."



visualization, story-telling, shared memory, shared norms, presence, abundance/commons viewpoint, facilitating individuals and collectives to understand their power and sovereignty

forge the existing legal infrastructure into such a wisely constructed and well-governed vessel through the prototyping phase, that the legal structure becomes a stewardship commons in and of itself that a growing array of projects can benefit from.

  • six month sprint
  • get basically formed with legal and the first takes on the technology infrastructure layer
  • identify the top 10 or 20% (low-hanging fruit) of resources, relationships, et cetera, that are available within the O. G. M community that are immediately available
  • to feed the next 2-5 sprints
  • a mapping exercise that would be the first cut of the most valuable kind of top information that would become easily accessible -- the most important prototypes, relationships, resources, etc.
  • output: a map of knowledge of a little bit of the lay of the land that we're able to see

"It's a collective sense making infrastructure, but it's not just the technology. It's also the set of protocols in the way of discourse and discernment that allow us to arrive at an increasingly accurate picture of shared truth."

  • building and modeling the technical infrastructure for knowing and sharing what we know.

  • discernment of social, cultural, legal and technology protocols

  • creating an open global mind literally

  • collective memory, collective sense making, stewardship of knowledge, needs mapping, resource mapping and creating some of the synapses that can be aware of all the things that are moving and how those can connect together.

  • building out a platform that in in five years that will act as glue that enables the distributed sharing of collective wisdom and knowledge and conversations in ways that change the nature of conversation.

  • if we do our job right, people will have a shared memory that they refer to and use in conversation, as opposed to just saying the same things over and over again

  • if we do our job right, there'll be different organizations and different movements that will start sharing much more of what they're doing much more broadly

  • we'll be able to see ourselves better in our movements towards different things in a way that doesn't agglomerate everybody up into one particular pyramid and one set of goals, but rather respects the autonomy and diversity of each of the participating organizations, but turbocharges each of them

  • connecting to other orgs that are like minded that are moving in a similar path, and offering them the kinds of tools that we're busy building, whether it's governance models and legal structures, and or infrastructure components that are software plus norms for use, or other aspects of this sort of five layered model that we're kind of looking at doing.

  • dendritic character

  • a coordination hub and facilitation hub in order to enable a lot of independent projects to know what other independent projects are doing

  • as much as possible coalesce those projects to maximize the knowledge exchange as well as maximize the action plans so that various experiments done by independent entities that work, are rapidly replicated into other systems that have not yet done those things.

  • get a cloud burst, going by catalyzing it with high levels of communication, shared vision and goals and reasonable planning.

  • paying attention to what works and what doesn't work.

  • what are the needs that we're learning we needed that we didn't know we had

  • what are the barriers we had to crack through and what worked for those kinds of things?

  • So there's a certain amount of I don't want to call it curation, because that's too, too formal. But I think the O. G. M template would be that we will continually learn from the experiences of the many different groups that are participating."

  • designing and building a better world

  • execute extremely well on a six month sprint and then survey the horizon from there, see where we stand, what other relationships this will give.

  • provide the community the ability to communicate with clarity to its networks on what it's doing and why, in a very concrete way.

  • the process of having a specific, measurable six month sprint and the ability to communicate your networks with clarity on what you're doing and why will lead to a dramatically different level of engagement six months from now

  • and clarity to be able to discern what the next six months sprint is and why it's worth doing and what the resources needed to do it

This section specifies tasks and milestones that the OGM team will achieve over the six months ending on tkdate.

For the launch sprint, who is in charge, and how do we make decisions. maybe: stewardship council, and how the stewardship council manages itself and adds/subtracts members (if any).

How do we know when we've accomplished our deliverables?

  • Mining and organization of collective plans in the commons that can be transparently seen, interacted with, and improved by the global community in accordance with the governance protocols, and using the associated infrastructure

  • Facilitating and convening a consulting service layer to empower communities to interact with what we know (knowledge, wisdom)


"sprint": time-boxed focused effort as part of longer marathon