Back Matter (generic)

Many parts are optional, but generally, back matter includes (source):

  1. Appendix(es): Appendixes (or appendices) are the perfect place for details that would be too overwhelming to include within the main text, but support the findings or narrative, such as the full text of letters and memos, long lists, charts, and statistics.
  2. Chronology (if not in front matter): When a chronology of events is necessary, it is placed either in the back matter or front matter (just before the main text) depending on when readers should view it.
  3. Endnotes: Endnotes should be organized by chapter and coordinate with the numbers referenced within the text.
  4. Glossary: An alphabetical list of terms and definitions can be useful in some nonfiction and fiction books, especially when special terms or foreign words are used.
  5. Bibliography or references: The bibliography or reference section allows authors to list the full citation for sources mentioned within the text or used during research.
  6. List of contributors: This page is unnecessary for most works; however, when only the editor's name is listed on the title page, such as in a multi-author anthology, the authors should be listed in the back matter.
  7. Illustration credits (if not in captions or elsewhere): When a book has numerous images, a credits page may be necessary. Alternatively, there are other areas credits can be placed, including the captions, the acknowledgements, or copyright page. The copyright holder may dictate where to place the credit line.
  8. Index(es): Indexes (or indicies) are helpful in lengthy nonfiction books and allow the reader to find information on subjects quickly. They provide more detailed information than a table of contents.
  9. Colophon: The colophon is a brief statement about the production of the book, including the font and printer used.
  10. Errata (if not placed at the end of front matter): An errata sheet is a loose sheet of paper added to the end of a book that lists corrections to major errors (not minor typos) when it's too late to fix the book before printing.
  11. About the author or biographical note: Information about the author may be placed in any number of places depending on the publisher's or author's preference, including the dust jacket flap of a hardcover, back cover of a paperback, copyright page, front matter, or back matter.