OGM Thursday, 2021-05-06

Peter Kaminski

  • OGM Bootstrap
  • Massive Wiki

Marc Thibault

Doug Carmichael

  • working on book, GardenWorld Politics
    • solutions to problems more from poetry rather than technology
    • reinventing government
      • great at local tactical details
      • drop the ball on the larger picture
    • rising through 2C, and we know that, but don't do anything
  • Gil: Biden doing great, and really not enough
  • Jerry: who is "we" in that?
  • Gil: FDR / WWII, war footing posture, clear agreement of who the enemy is


  • community equity
  • democracy collaborative - https://bra.in/6vP7o9



  • eviction, no contingency for unhoused
  • https://www.businessclimateleaders.org/carbon-sequestration-may-18th
  • Israel, kibbutz, food sovereignty
  • we have tens of millions of population now in the US who are disengaged from the economy


  • working with organizations to help them with transformation


  • Meiji restoration bonds
  • medical services delivery



  • ad on Facebook saying you should make better ads on Facebook


  • disrupt the attention economy model
  • structures around us, we're divided rather than collaborative
  • how to
  • Tristan Harris, message is "sky is falling", not "what are we doing about it"
  • people need digital sovereignty over their own stuff
    • data about them that Facebook, Google, etc. collect
    • to see what you know, data you generate, your digital home, your cockpit
      • resources to you that you should have
  • Tristan Harris (algorithmic feed, attention-seeking algorithm)
  • Vincent
  • Pete - "structural war"


  • Gil: "Mobilize!: Dancing In The World", by Chauncey Bell
  • Doug: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Transformation_(book), Karl Polanyi
  • Gil: "Empire of Cotton: A Global History", by Sven Beckert