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Jerry Michalski, Marc-Antoine Parent, Doug Carmichael, John Kelly, Hank Kune, Michael Grossman, Phil Kennedy, Shimon Waldfogel, Scott Moehring, Tony Markatos, Peter Kaminski, Rob Lindstrom.
while stipulating that "bean counting" around diversity is not the same as inclusiveness, what if we started tracking stats?
What Would OGM Do? (WWOD) (Jerry's Brain)
OGM to foster:
The model of Collective Intelligence by Simon Buckingham Shum includes: Collective Sensing, Collective Sensemaking, Collective Ideation, Collective Decision, Collective Action. So not just sensemaking.
DSRP is not prescriptive as how to hands-on do systems thinking. It is about, as Derek says "the thinking behind the thinking". Think in terms of DSRP, and the result is a good Data Flow Diagram.
Distinctions, Systems, Relationships, and Perspectives (DSRP)
Here is an overview of projects Here is citizens commission
Tony: Adressing tough problems through a unified approach systems thinking Scott: creating the role of "Senior listener" Shimon: Creating a framework for having conversations, similar to medical casework. Creating a toolbox for guiding conversations and projects.