The Generative Commons - Overview

In pondering Intellectual Property issues recently, we realized that something bigger than Creative Commons would be really useful. This channel is to brainstorm such a thing.

Coordination / collaboration infrastructure:

State of Play, 2021-05-21

  • upcoming Zoom call at 2021-05-26, 7am PDT: Generative Commons Gathering
  • started in discussion between the OGM stewardship group and Lionsberg, and encapsulates and advances several long-standing desires from all participants
  • community is just starting up, and is currently in convening mode
  • actively seeking more participants, ideas, experiences, knowledge, opinions, and passion
  • envisions one encompassing "The" Generative Commons (if it's not all-one, then it's not the commons)
  • builds on the good work of Creative Commons, but wants to encompass more forms of authorship (so, in enclosure terminology, not just copyright, but also patents, trademarks, trade secrets, and more)
  • proactively stewarded for the good of all, with passive and active responsibilities and protections